Author: Glossary
Reverse trendelenburg position
A body position in which the trunk and head are elevated above the pelvis and lower extremities.
Trendelenburg gait
A side lurching of the trunk over the stance leg due to weakness in the gluteus medius muscle.
The inclination to proceed in a certain direction or at a certain rate; used to describe the prognosis or course of a symptom or disease.
A device for administering vibratory massage.
Volitional tremor
Trembling of the limbs or of the body when making a voluntary effort. It is seen in many cerebellar diseases.
Senile tremor
A form of benign essential tremor found in individuals older than 60, marked by rapid, alternating movements of the upper extremities that occur at a frequency of about 6 cycles/sec.
Rest tremor
A tremor present when the involved part is at rest but absent or diminished when active movements are attempted.
Parkinsonian tremor
A resting tremor of the fingers and hands, often called a pill-rolling tremor, that is suppressed briefly during voluntary activity. The tremor disappears during all but the lightest phases of sleep.
Muscular tremor
Slight oscillating muscular contractions in rhythmical order.
Intermittent tremor
A tremor common to paralyzed muscles in hemoplegia when attempting voluntary movement.