
Drugs that treat pain and hence produce analgesia.

An agent that reduces or eliminates pain.

A substance that relieves or reduces pain.

An agent that alleviates pain without causing loss of consciousness. Two general categories exist: opioid and nonopioid.

A pain-killing herb.

Pain-relieving drugs, including simple analgesics for mild pain (aspirin, paracetamol); anti-inflammatories for arthritis and muscular pain; and narcotic analgesics for severe pain (morphine).

A pain-relieving medicine.

Pain reliever that does not induce loss of consciousness.

A substance that relieves pain. Analgesics are among the most common over-the-counter drugs. Examples include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, and other pain relievers such as acetaminophen.

Remedy or agent that deadens pam.

Drug or other agent used to relieve pain.

A painkilling drug which produces analgesia and reduces pyrexia.

Pain-relieving substance (e.g., aspirin, acetaminophen).

An analgesic is any drug used to relieve pain without loss of consciousness. Painkillers usually have only a temporary effect. There are more than loo different analgesics on the U.S. market. They are divided into two main classes: non-narcotics and narcotics.

A drug that relieves pain. Mild analgesics, such as aspirin and ‘paracetamol, are used for the relief of headache, toothache, and mild rheumatic pain. More potent narcotic analgesics, such as morphine and pethidine, are used only to relieve severe pain since these drugs may produce ‘dependence and ‘tolerance. Some analgesics, including aspirin, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and ‘phenylbutazone, also reduce fever and inflammation and are used in rheumatic conditions.

Drugs which relieve or abolish pain. Unlike local anaesthetics, they are usually given systemically  affecting the whole body and produce no sensory or motor blockade by stopping the activity in the sensory or motor nerves respectively that supply a part of the body. The many different types of analgesics have varying modes of action. The choice of drug and method of administration will depend upon the type and severity of pain being treated.

A substance that reduces the sensation of pain.

A substance that induces a lessened reaction to distressing stimuli.

An medicinal remedy that alleviates pain without inducing a state of unconsciousness. Non-prescription pain relievers encompass substances such as aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

A substance that relieves pain without inducing a loss of consciousness.




