
One-celled jellylike organism whose shape changes. Some amebas cause disease in humans.

A one-celled protozoan organism that moves via projections called pseudopods.

Any single-celled microscopic animal of jellylike consistency and irregular and constantly changing shape. Found in water, soil, and other damp environments, they move and feed by means of flowing extensions of the body. Some amebas cause disease in man.

A unicellular organism of the genus Amoeba in the kingdom Protista, found in water and soil. It constantly changes shape by sending out finger-like processes of cytoplasm (pseudopods), through which it moves about and obtains nourishment. It feeds by surrounding its food with pseudopods, forming a food vacuole in which digestion takes place. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged by simple diffusion through the cell membrane. Reproduction is by binary fission. Some species of Entamoeba are parasitic in humans.

A tiny single-celled organism, with certain species known to be parasitic within the body, leading to the development of diseases.




