
Inserted at different levels of the axis; as distinct from opposite.

Arranged singly at different heights and on different sides of the stem—as in alternate leaves.

Borne singly and spaced around and along the axis, applied to leaves or other organs on an axis.

Leaves or buds arising first on one side of the stem and then on the other (compare Opposite).

An arrangement of plant parts, such as leaves, which is neither opposite nor whorled.

Having only one leaf or branch protruding from each node.

Botanical term meaning placed on opposite sides of the stem different levels.

Having plant parts, particularly leaves, arranged alternately along a stem, as opposed to in pairs or whorled.

With a single structure of each kind occurring at each level of the axis. E.g. stem. These structures (e.g. branches and leaves) appear alternate on opposite sides of the axis, but actually are spiral in arrangement.

One leaf at a node.

Said of leaves when arranged one after the other.

One leaf at each node along a stem. (Compare opposite).

Refers to a single leave (or flower) attached to a node of a plant.

Not opposite each other (as leaves on a stem).

Placed singly at different heights on the stem or axis.

Leaves, buds, or branches arising first on one side of the stem and then on the other (compare OPPOSITE).

Leaves occurring singly at a given point on a stem.

Where the leaves are inserted on the stem at different levels.




