A medicine system using substances that cause an effect different to those caused by the condition under treatment.
The treatment of a condition using drugs which produce opposite symptoms to those of the condition.
System of medicine that aims to produce (e.g., through drugs, compresses) a condition opposite to or antagonistic to that affecting the ill person (e.g. applying cold for a fever) (compare homeopathy).
A system of treating disease by inducing a second condition that is incompatible with or antagonistic to the disease being treated. This term was invented by homeopath Samuel Hahnemann to refer to traditional medicine (homeo means same; allo means order), which is practiced by all doctors with the medical degree MD.
The orthodox system of medicine, in which the use of drugs is directed to producing effects in the body that will directly oppose and so alleviate the symptoms of a disease. Compare homeopathy.
A derogatory term applied sometimes by homeopaths to the methods used by regular practitioners of medicine and surgery.
A system of treating disease by inducing a pathological reaction that is antagonistic to the disease being treated.
A method of treating disease by the use of drugs which induce in the body effects different (usually opposite) from those of the ailment, e.g. a laxative for constipation.
The conventional method of medicine that combats disease by using active techniques specifically against the disease.
In the domain of traditional medical intervention for alleviating disease symptoms, a time-honored approach involves the application of substances or techniques that actively work to counteract or suppress the manifestation of these symptoms.
A medical approach for treating illnesses by administering medications that elicit symptoms distinct from those of the ailment. This stands in stark contrast to homeopathy, where treatment involves using highly diluted substances to provoke effects similar to those of the disease.
A medical approach that employs substances to produce effects different from those of the condition being treated.