
Loss of a previously possessed ability to grasp the meaning of written or printed words and sentences that cannot be explained by defective visual acuity.

Loss of ability to understand the written language.

The loss of the ability to read or an initial inability to learn to read due to brain damage.

A condition in which the patient cannot understand printed words.

Alexia is an acquired neurological disorder characterized by a partial or complete inability to read. The etiology of alexia is typically associated with a lesion behind and beneath the left occipital lobe, which damages the visual pathways within the hemisphere. Alexia can also be caused by the combination of a lesion on the corpus callosum, which disconnects the right-to-left visual information transfer, or a lesion in the left occipital lobe, which disconnects the left visual association cortex from the left language cortex. This results in a disconnection of visual information in the right hemisphere from the word-recognition system in the left hemisphere.

Inability to read, despite unimpaired vision and intelligence; an extreme form of dyslexia.

Loss of reading ability; also called word blindness.

An acquired inability to read. It is due to disease in the left hemisphere of the brain in a right-handed person. In agnosic alexia (word blindness) the patient cannot read because he is unable to identify the letters and words, but he retains the ability to write and his speech is normal. This is a form of agnosia. A patient with aphasic alexia (visual asymbolia) can neither read nor write and often has an accompanying disorder of speech. This is a form of aphasia.

Word blindness, also known as alexia, refers to the inability to identify and verbally label written words. This condition arises from the impairment of a specific region within the cerebrum, the principal part of the brain, often caused by events such as a stroke. Alexia profoundly disrupts the reading proficiency of individuals who previously possessed literacy skills.

Alexia, also known as word blindness, is the incapacity to identify written and printed words, even when the person had prior reading abilities. This condition arises from disruptions or illnesses affecting the brain.




