
A DNA virus 80–90 nanometers in size. It can cause respiratory illness and conjunctivitis in humans. Human adenoviruses comprise at least 31 serotypes that can be divided into three groups on the basis of oncogenicity.

A group of viruses that cause respiratory tract and eye infections. Adenoviruses used in gene therapy are altered to carry a specific tumor-fighting gene.

A type of virus that can infect humans. Like all viruses, it can reproduce only inside living cells (of other host, organisms). Adenovirus causes a protein (metabolite) to be made that disables the gene. Because the gene then cannot perform its usual function (i.e., prevention of uncontrolled cell growth caused by virus/DNA damage), the adenovirus thus “takes over” and causes the cell to make numerous copies of the virus until the cell dies (thus, releasing the virus copies into the body of the host organism to cause further infection).

A virus which produces upper respiratory infections and sore throats and can cause fatal pneumonia in infants.

Any of a large group of viruses, many of which are responsible for upper respiratory tract infections (e.g., the common cold) and other common infections.

A large group of viruses causing common colds and upper respiratory tract infections.

A type of virus most commonly associated with respiratory illness. Adenoviruses can also cause gastroenteritis (particularly watery diarrhea), conjunctivitis, cystitis, and rash. When this virus causes respiratory illness, the infection may range from the level of the common cold to more serious illness including pneumonia, croup, and bronchitis. Infections caused by this virus are usually mild, and generally only the symptoms are treated. When serious ill-ness results, it is managed by treating symptoms and complications since no virus-specific therapy is available.

One of a group of DNA-containing viruses causing latent infections of the upper respiratory tract that produce symptoms resembling those of the common cold.

Any of a group of double-stranded DNA viruses that can cause infections of the upper respiratory tract. A large number have been isolated.




