In Traditional Chinese Medicine, pressure massage on the pressure points along the acupuncture meridians (the channels through which the body’s motivating energy flows). Used to relieve tension-related ailments.
A treatment which is based on the same principle as acupuncture in which, instead of needles, fingers are used on specific points on the body, called pressure points.
Compression of various points on the body leading to stimulation of nerves and physiologic effects; for example, pressure on the inside of the wrist will result in a decrease in motion sickness.
Use of finger pressure applied to specific nerve junctions on the body to promote healing.
A noninvasive method to relieve pain and manage stress using the fingertips or hands to stimulate the body’s self-curative abilities. Acupressure is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that uses pressure exerted by the hands to aid healing.
Finger pressure applied therapeutically at selected points on the body. In traditional Chinese medicine, the pressure points follow lines along the body called meridians. Techniques include shiatsu, tsubo, jin shin yutsu, and jon shin do.
A form of acupuncture where certain points of the body are pressed with the fingers and hands to release energy blocks.
The somatic practice of applying pressure to specific points on the surface of the human body, with the intent of mitigating or redirecting the experience of discomfort, typically referred to as pain, is commonly known as acupressure.
Acupressure is a modality derived from acupuncture that involves the application of pressure instead of using needles.