Abused child

A child or an infant who has suffered repeated injuries, which may include bone fractures, neurological and psychological damage, or sexual abuse at the hands of a parent, parents, or parent surrogate(s). The physical abuse is often precipitated by the child’s normal and age-appropriate mildly irritating behavior. Child abuse also includes child neglect.

The abuse takes place repeatedly and is often precipitated, in the case of physical abuse, by the child’s minor and normally irritating behavior. Child abuse also includes child neglect.

The cruel and extraordinary harsh treatment of a child by parents, guardians, or caretakers.

To misuse, attack, or injure. The abuse may be sexual, physical, or emotional.

Physical, emotional, or sexual maltreatment of a child, often resulting in serious and often permanent injury or impairment and sometimes in death. It may be overt, as in severely beating a child, or covert, as in depriving the child of needed affection and emotional support. Child abuse occurs in all socioeconomic levels (though it is probably reported more among the poor who visit hospital clinics or social agencies) and among children and parents of all ages, but certain factors are thought to increase the risk of child abuse; among these are parents who were themselves abused as children; parents involved in marital strife; emotionally unstable parents or those undergoing extreme stress (e.g., unemployment); and children who are very young (particularly in cases of beatings and physical abuse), are difficult by temperament, or have emotional or physical handicaps.

Emotional, physical, or sexual injury to a child. It may be due either to an action or to an omission by those responsible for the care of the child. In domestic situations in which a child is abused, it is important to examine other children and infants living in that home; about 20% will have signs of physical abuse. The examination should be done without delay. An infant or child must never be allowed to remain in an environment where abuse has occurred.




