
A mature male sex cell, which is ejaculated from the penis and is capable of fertilising an ovum.

Spermatozoa, male sex cell that fertilizes an ovum. It develops in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. Tadpolelike, it is tiny (about l/5()0 inch) with a head, neck, and tad.

A mature male sex cell. The tail of a sperm enables it to swim, which is important as a means for reaching and fertilizing the ovum (although muscular movements of the womb may assist its journey from the vagina).

The male germ cell, created in the testicles, features an oval-shaped head and a lengthy tail. It utilizes this tail for propulsion along the moist inner surface of the uterus, aiming to reach the Fallopian tube where it encounters the ovum. Once it reaches the ovum, the head penetrates it, the tail detaches, and at this moment, the ovum fortifies its outer layer to prevent additional spermatozoa from entering. Approximately three million spermatozoa are released with each male ejaculation, yet only one is required to initiate pregnancy. These spermatozoa can remain viable within the female genital tract for several days. They are also referred to as sperm.




