A position of the body in which the person lies on his or her left side with their left arm behind their back and their right knee and thigh flexed. It is used to allow the anal or vaginal area to be examined easily.
A semiprone position with the patient on the left side, right knee and thigh drawn well up, the left arm along the patient’s back, and the chest inclined forward so that the patient rests on it. It is the position of choice for administering enemas because the sigmoid and descending colon are located on the left side of the body and fluid is readily accepted in this position. It is also used in curettage of the uterus, intrauterine irrigation after labor, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, rectal examination, and postanesthesia recovery.
The position of the patient when lying on the left side with the right knee and thigh brought up, the left arm extended along the back, and the chest leaning forward. This position is also referred to as the semiprone or three-quarter-prone position.