
A malignant tumour in the testis.

Malignant tumor of the testis, usually occurring in older men. Treatment is by surgery (orchidectomy).

Membrane (e.g., a cell membrane) that allows the passage of some molecules but not others.

A malignant tumor of the testis, appearing as a swelling, often painless, in the scrotum. It tends to occur in an older age group than the ‘teratomas. The best treatment for localized disease is surgery involving removal of the testis. Secondary tumors in the lungs can be treated with intravenous cyclophosphamide followed by low-dose irradiation to the lungs. A similar tumor occurs in the ovary.

A malignant tumour of the testis that appears as an often painless swelling. This tumour usually occurs in an older age-group of men than does teratoma. The treatment is surgical removal of the testes.

A cancer arising from male germ cells (in the testis) that makes up about half of all testicular malignancies.




