
A surgical operation to create an opening into the stomach from the wall of the abdomen, so that food can be introduced without passing through the mouth and throat.

Surgical creation of an artificial opening into the stomach through the abdominal wall, done to allow artificial feeding (gastrogavage) in cases of prolonged unconsciousness or esophageal cancer.

Surgical creation of a permanent opening from the abdominal wall into the stomach to insert a gastrostomy tube.

A surgical procedure in which an external opening, or stoma, is created in the stomach. The stoma provides a passageway through the abdominal wall for a temporary or permanent tube. The tube may be used for either feeding or drainage.

A surgical operation in which the stomach is opened and drained by a tube or brought through the abdominal wall. It is usually performed to allow food and fluid to be poured directly into the stomach when swallowing is impossible because of disease or obstruction of the esophagus. Sometimes it is used temporarily after operations on the esophagus or for postoperative decompression in preference to nasogastric intubation.

An operation on the stomach by which, when the oesophagus is blocked by a tumour or other cause, an opening is made from the front of the abdomen into the stomach, so that fluid food can be passed into the organ. It is also used to help feed severely disabled children with cerebral palsy who have difficulty swallowing.

Surgical creation of a gastric fistula through the abdominal wall, used, for example, for introducing food into the stomach.

In the realm of surgical procedures, there exists a practice involving the fabrication of an artificial aperture within the stomach by means of the abdominal wall. This opening serves the purpose of facilitating the introduction of a feeding tube for nourishment purposes.

This refers to a surgical procedure that creates an opening in the stomach. This is typically done to form a connection between the stomach and the exterior of the body, allowing a feeding tube to be introduced into the stomach or the small intestine.

Gastrostomy is a surgical procedure typically carried out on individuals who struggle with proper eating. This might be due to conditions such as esophageal cancer, or difficulties in chewing and swallowing as a result of a stroke.

A surgical procedure in which a connection is created between an incision in the stomach and an opening in the abdominal skin. This enables the patient to receive nourishment through this opening rather than ingesting food orally.




