
A substance that causes or induces abortion.

A substance that terminates a pregnancy.

Anything used to cause abortion.

Agent that causes the early expulsion of an unborn baby.

drug or substance capable of inducing abortion.

Drug or instrument which provokes an abortion.

Anything used to cause or induce an abortion. Examples of abortifacients include prostaglandins, among other agents.

A substance or agent that induces abortion is referred to as an abortifacient. In the medical field, abortion is typically induced through the use of prostaglandin drugs, commonly administered in the form of vaginal pessaries. These drugs facilitate the softening and dilation of the cervix, which is the neck of the uterus, as well as stimulate muscular contractions of the uterus.

A substance that induces the early removal of the contents of the uterus, including the embryo or an nonviable fetus.




