A benign tumour formed of fibrous and glandular tissue.
Formation of firm, densely fibrous, benign tumors in glandular tissue; frequently observed in the breast.
A benign fibrous growth in the breast. Fibroadenomas are firm, solid lumps that contain no fluid and are usually freely movable when touched. They are common, appearing most frequently in young women, usually within 20 years of puberty. Typically, fibroadenomas are first detected by a woman herself. Discovery of any breast lump requires a doctor’s examination to rule out the possibility of breast cancer. Ranging from the size of a pea to that of a lemon, fibroadenomas cause no nipple discharge or pain. Most women who get a fibroadenoma do not get another, although some women have several. Their cause is unknown.
A benign, glandular tumour originating in the epithelium and containing fibrous elements. The commonest such benign tumour is of the breast, often occurring in young women.
An adenoma with fibrous tissue forming a dense stroma.
A non-cancerous growth in the breast composed of fibrous tissue, commonly referred to as a fibroadenoma. It represents the most prevalent type of mass observed in women below the age of 35, and in approximately 3% of cases, it occurs in both breasts.
Fibroadenomas are benign (noncancerous) fibrous tumors that are frequently detected in the breast. They are most commonly found in women below the age of 30 and are more prevalent among black women. It’s possible for multiple fibroadenomas to develop in one or both breasts.
Fibroadenomas of the breast are painless, solid, and circular lumps, typically ranging from 1 to 5 cm in size. They can be easily moved around when touched. While the exact cause of fibroadenomas is not completely clear, their formation in the breast is thought to be associated with the sensitivity of breast tissue to female sex hormones. During pregnancy, these lumps tend to grow more rapidly, likely due to the higher levels of female sex hormones circulating in the body at that time.
To confirm the diagnosis, a tissue sample is taken from the lump and examined. Fibroadenomas are generally benign and do not necessitate treatment unless they grow significantly large or cause discomfort.
A benign mass made up of glandular and fibrous tissue, often referring specifically to fibroadenomas in the breasts of young women.