A surgical operation to scrape the interior of the uterus to obtain a tissue sample or to remove products of miscarriage.
Enlargement of the cervix of the uterus and scraping of the endometrium (lining) of the uterus. It is a common procedure, usually performed using local anesthetic, to remove uterine tissue for examination and diagnosis, to stop prolonged or heavy bleeding, to remove the products of conception (a method of abortion), to remove retained fragments of the placenta after childbirth or abortion, and to remove small tumors.
An operation in which the neck of the womb is expanded, using an instrument called a dilator, and the lining of the womb is peeled off with a curette. It is performed for a variety of reasons, including the removal of any remaining material left after a miscarriage, removal of cysts or tumors, and examination of the womb lining in the diagnosis of gynecological disorders.
Commonly referred to as D and C, a gynaecological operation to scrape away the lining of the uterus (endometrium). The procedure may be used to diagnose and treat heavy bleeding from the womb (endometriosis) as well as other uterine disorders. It can be used to terminate a pregnancy or to clean out the uterus after a partial miscarriage. D and C is increasingly being replaced with a laser technique using a hysteroscope — a type of endoscope — and its use for termination is being replaced by medical measures.
An invasive procedure conducted under anesthesia in which the cervix is expanded or dilated, and the uterine lining is meticulously removed using a spoon-shaped metallic instrument or a suction tube. This procedure serves the purpose of diagnosing potential issues or eliminating abnormal growths such as polyps.