Differential blood count

A test that shows the amounts of different types of white blood cell in a blood sample.

A measurement of the percentages of the various types of leukocytes (white blood cells) in a sample of whole blood.

The number and type of white blood cells as determined by microscopic examination of a thin layer of blood on a glass slide after it has been suitably stained to show the shape of the various cells. The number and variety of white cells in a sample of a given size are obtained. Even though the red cells are not counted by this method, their shape, size, and color can be evaluated. Some blood diseases and inflammatory conditions may be recognized in this way. In a differential count, the varieties of the leukocytes and their percentages normally should be: neutrophils (segmented), 40% to 60%; eosinophils, 1% to 3%; basophiles, 0.5% to 1%; lymphocytes, 20% to 40%; monocytes, 4% to 8%.

The microscopic examination to determine the proportional counts of various types of white blood cells in a blood sample.




