Tantalum (Ta)

Malleable metal used in the past to fabricate plates, wires, and disks for implantation; atomic number 73 and atomic weight 180.948.

A rare metal, used to repair damaged bones.

A rare heavy metal used in surgery as it is easily molded and does not corrode. For example, tantalum sutures and plates are used for repair of defects in the bones of the skull.

A rare metallic element derived from tantalite; atomic weight, 180.947; atomic number, 73. Because it is noncorrosive and malleable, it has been used to repair cranial defects, as a wire suture, and in prostheses.

A scarce silver-white metallic element that is both hard and corrosion-resistant, yet can be shaped. It’s utilized in surgical procedures to bridge skull gaps due to injuries.




