
Any characteristic of a disease or medical condition that is subjectively perceived.

A specific manifestation of a patient’s condition indicative of an abnormal physical or mental state; a subjective perception of illness.

Perceived changes in, or impaired function of body or mind indicating the presence of disease or injury.

A measurable indication that the body or mind is reacting to a foreign substance or agent or experience.

A change in the way the body works or a change in the body’s appearance, which shows that a disease or disorder is present and which the person is aware of.

Something that indicates the presence of a body disorder.

In medicine, any manifestation of a physical condition or disease that is reported by a patient and is subjective. Examples include a complaint of headache or itching.

In medicine, a subjective indication of illness observed by a patient, as opposed to an objective indication, or sign, of disease or disorder observed or detected by a physician. An observable skin rash or a measurable fever is a sign, for example, while the feeling of itching or heat is a symptom.

A disturbance of appearance or function or sensation of which the patient is or could be aware. If the disturbance can only be detected by the physician or other observer, it is called a “sign.” Those disturbances which must be elicited by laboratory, X-ray, or other diagnostic procedures, or by response to therapy, are called “findings.”

Subjective indication of a disease; it may or may not be accompanied by an objective sign.

A change in health experienced by a patient.

An indication of a disorder, disease, or condition that is felt by a person before seeking medical evaluation or advice. Symptoms help a doctor to identify and diagnose a condition or disease.

An indication of a disease or disorder noticed by the patient himself. A presenting symptom is one that leads a patient to consult a doctor.

A term applied to any subjective evidence of disease, for example pain or headache. The term ‘physical sign’ is generally applied to evidence of disease of which the patient does not complain but which is elicited upon examination, for example raised blood pressure.

Any change in the body or its functions as perceived by the patient. A symptom represents the subjective experience of disease. Symptoms are described by patients in their complaint or history of the present illness. By contrast, signs are the objective findings observed by health care providers during the examination of patients.

A change that a person notices in his or her body or mind and that is caused by a disease or disorder.

An indication that a person has a condition or disease. Some examples of symptoms are headache, fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and pain.

A subjectively perceived problem or complaint reported by the patient. In MS, common symptoms include visual problems, fatigue, sensory changes, weakness or paralysis of limbs, tremor, lack of coordination, poor balance, bladder or bowel changes, and psychologic changes.

Subjective evidence of a disorder or disease, which the patient can feel or is experiencing but which cannot be seen by the clinician. Examples include pain, dizziness, and fatigue.

In the realm of pathology, a noticeable or otherwise perceptible irregularity that emerges as a consequence of disease is known as a manifestation. In medical jargon, a clear-cut differentiation exists between ‘indicators’ and ‘symptoms,’ with the former alluding to observable (objective) evidence of illness, while the latter is subjective. Although this differentiation is not directly applicable to plant pathology, some pathologists do make a distinction between anomalies in the host plant, classifying them as symptoms, and observable formations of the pathogen, such as pustules and conidiophores, categorized as signs of sickness.

The notion of disease manifested subjectively by the patient and perceptible only to them is commonly known as a sensation that lacks objective evidence.

A manifestation of a disease or disorder that is observed by the individual experiencing it. In contrast, the manifestations that a physician observes are referred to as signs.

A symptom is what the patient reports as an indication of an illness or condition, while a sign is what the doctor directly observes.




