
More than the routine or normal number.

Extra, more than the usual number.

Extra teeth located in the dental arch. Supernumerary teeth may be present anywhere along the jaw where the 32 permanent teeth are normally positioned. They most commonly appear among the top teeth, between the two front teeth, or behind the third molar (wisdom tooth). When supernumerary teeth are located between the two front teeth, there may be one or two of them and they may be fully erupted (grown out from the gum), impacted, inverted, or fused to one of the front teeth. When they are impacted, they are detected with the use of X rays. Supernumerary teeth are usually surgically removed, especially when they interfere with the positioning of the permanent teeth. There are rarely additional teeth among the 20 primary teeth; when this occurs, it is usually in the area of the upper incisors (the teeth between the central front teeth and the eye teeth) and the cuspids (the eye teeth). A dentist can evaluate the need for intervention when there are supernumerary teeth among the primary teeth.

A phrase indicating “beyond the typical quantity.” Supernumerary teeth can also arise, and they are typically removed.

Surpassing the typical quantity.




