
A colorless derivative of a bile pigment.

A colourless pigment formed when bilirubin is reduced to stercobilinogen in the intestines.

Compound formed in the intestine from the breakdown of bilirubin; some is excreted in the feces, some resorbed and excreted in bile or urine.

A colorless product of the reduction of the bile pigment bilirubin. Urobilinogen is formed from bilirubin in the intestine by bacterial action. Part of it is reabsorbed and returned to the liver; part of it is excreted in the feces (a trace may also appear in the urine). When exposed to air, urobilinogen is oxidized to a brown pigment, urobilin.

A chemical compound formed when bacteria in the intestine act on bilirubin. Some is reabsorbed and returns to the liver and some is eliminated in the faeces.

A colorless derivative of bilirubin, from which it is formed by the action of intestinal bacteria.

A substance that precedes and chemically gives rise to urobilin.




