
An agent or action that elicits a physiologic activity or response within the oral tissues.

That which can elicit or evoke action (response) in a muscle, nerve, gland or other excitable issue, or cause an augmenting action upon any function or metabolic process.

Anything in the environment that an organism can detect and respond to.

Something which has an effect on a person or a part of the body and makes them react.

Stimuli, anything that causes a reaction or response (e.g., an odor activating olfactory receptor in the nasal cavity).

An action or agent that causes or changes an activity in an organ or other part of the body. The body responds to stimuli, such as temperature, touch, and pain.

Any agent that provokes a response, or particular form of activity, in a cell, tissue, or other structure, which is said to be sensitive to that stimulus.

Anything that induces an immediate reaction in either the whole body or specific body components.




