
A representative sample removed from the whole for analysis in order to make a diagnostic or histologic characterization.

Dried plant or part of a plant in a herbarium, or any plant (part) collected for study.

A part of a plant or an entire plant, either dried in a herbarium or living in a botanical garden.

A sample of body tissue or fluid.

A small quantity of something given for testing.

One item out of a group.

Small sample of something; part of a whole, intended upon analysis to reveal the characteristics of the whole (e.g., a urine specimen used for urinalysis).

A sample of a body fluid or tissue for laboratory analysis. Doctors may order the collection of tissue or blood, urine, or other body fluid samples disease in order to diagnose and treat disease.

A part of something, intended to show the kind, quality, and other characteristics of the whole. Collected urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid, sputum, blood, skin, or tissues are all considered to be specimens.

A portion of tissue, fluids, waste substances, or an infectious organism collected from the body to be scrutinized, recognized, and/or diagnosed. The sample might be processed in a specific manner to facilitate examination under a microscope.





