Synthetic preparations of vitamins to be ingested in addition to the quantities obtained in the normal daily diet.
Usually over-the-counter preparations that contain one or more vitamins. Many doctors recommend a daily multivitamin-mineral for everyone, especially older people who often do not eat enough; women who are breast-feeding, pregnant, or planning to become pregnant; people with a chronic illness; or vegetarians and people on a low-calorie diet. Taking vitamin supplements is not as effective as getting vitamins from a variety of foods, and taking large doses of some vitamins can be toxic.
Any vitamin tablet or capsule containing one or more vitamins. Thus, a tablet or capsule may contain a single vitamin or many, and in some instances, a preparation will contain more than a dozen vitamins and an even greater number of minerals. In general, healthy adult men and healthy nonpregnant, nonlactating women consuming a normal, varied diet do not need vitamin supplements.
A collection of dietary supplements that include one or more types of vitamins, some multivitamin products also feature minerals like iron and calcium. Individuals who maintain a balanced diet and are in good health generally don’t require these additional supplements. Overconsumption of specific vitamins, particularly A, B6, and D, can in fact be detrimental to one’s health.
Vitamin supplements can be administered to prevent deficiencies in at-risk individuals. This group includes those with heightened nutritional needs, such as pregnant or breastfeeding women; individuals following specialized diets like veganism; people with severe alcohol dependency; and those experiencing health conditions that may lead to vitamin deficiencies, such as malabsorption or specific liver and kidney issues.
Vitamin supplements are employed as part of the therapeutic regimen for specific disorders, including those involving a confirmed vitamin deficiency. For instance, vitamin D is utilized for managing the bone disease osteomalacia, while derivatives of vitamin A are prescribed for treating severe acne. These supplemental vitamins can either be taken orally or administered through injections, as is the case with vitamins B12 and K.