Tubal ligation.
A surgical operation to remove or cut a Fallopian tube, used as a method of contraception.
Surgery in which one or both fallopian tubes (the tubes that transport an egg from an ovary toward the uterus) are removed. Salpingectomy is usually performed to treat an ectopic pregnancy (one that develops outside the uterus) or a chronic pelvic inflammation that has damaged a fallopian tube. This treatment is usually used only when a fallopian tube is irreversibly destroyed by disease.
The surgical removal or cutting of a fallopian tube. The operation involving both tubes is a permanent and completely effective method of contraception since it prevents the egg cells passing from the ovaries to the womb.
The surgical removal of a fallopian tube.
The surgical extraction of either one or both fallopian tubes is known as salpingectomy. This procedure is conducted in cases of tube infection or to manage ectopic pregnancy.
Surgical extraction of a Fallopian tube.