
Decomposition products produced by bacterial action on proteins; popularly, but incorrectly believed to cause food poisoning.

A group of nitrogenous substances produced in rotting food, which gives the food a special smell.

Very poisonous organic compounds produced by microorganisms in spoiled foods.

Breakdown product resulting from the action of various bacteria on proteins (usually of foodstuffs).

Any of various substances produced in decaying foodstuffs and responsible for the unpleasant taste and smell of such foods. These compounds, which include putrescine, cadaverine, and neurine, were formerly thought to be responsible for food poisoning, but although they are often associated with toxic bacteria they them selves are harmless.

One of a class of nitrogenous organic bases formed by the action of putrefactive bacteria on proteins and amino acids.

Toxins formed by the bacterial breakdown of proteins.




