

Referring to obstetrics.

A branch of medicine and surgery dealing with pregnancy, childbirth and the period immediately after childbirth.

That branch of medicine concerned with the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the immediate postpartum period; it is often practiced in conjunction with gynecology.

Branch of medicine focused on the care of women during pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period.

The medical specialty involved in the care of pregnant women. Obstetrics includes care given during the period in which a woman is trying to conceive; and just after a baby is born. Family physicians, certified nurse-midwives, and obstetricians are all trained in obstetrics. An obstetrician is a doctor who specializes in caring for women during pregnancy, labor, and childbirth. Most obstetricians are also gynecologists, doctors who specialize in treating the female reproductive system.

The branch of medical science concerned with the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the period of about six weeks following the birth, when the reproductive organs are recovering.

The branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy and labour; it is concerned with the health of the woman and fetus, from early in pregnancy through to a successful labour and delivery. Pregnancy and childbirth are, of course, normal events which, for most women, take place without complications under the supervision of a midwife. Nevertheless, if something does go wrong, skilled medical care should be immediately available to help mother and baby. Obstetricians must be skilled in operative delivery that is, use of the vacuum extractor (ventouse), obstetric forceps and caesarean section. Routine monitoring of pregnancies by midwives and, where necessary, general practitioners or obstetricians is well recognized as a significant contribution to a successful pregnancy and delivery. Such monitoring has been greatly facilitated by advances in ultrasound, amnioscopy, and amnio and cordocentesis. Numerous problems may occur at all stages, and early detection, followed rapidly by sensitive and appropriate treatment, is vital.

The field of medicine focused on pregnancy and prenatal care, the process of giving birth, and postnatal care is known as obstetrics. It also encompasses the examination of the structure and operation of the female reproductive system.

The branch of medicine that focuses on pregnancy, childbirth, and the maternal health during the six to eight weeks following childbirth.




