Gamblers anonymous

A voluntary organization made up of ex-gamblers whose purpose is to assist its members to resist the urge to gamble.

Fellowship based on the Twelve Step Program, designed to help persons unable to control their desire to gamble.

An organization, founded in the US in 1957 and established in the UK in 1964, that seeks to assist compulsive gamblers. The despair, humiliation, and loneliness of compulsive gamblers is neither widely known nor understood. Invariably their addiction leads to bankruptcy, loss of jobs, rejection by family and friends, and ultimately to criminal means of obtaining money with which to gamble. GA offers a form of group therapy similar to that provided by Alcoholics Anonymous. Senior members help the new members to face their creditors .and to work out repayment budgets that will eventually free them from their obligations. The sister organization, Gam-Anon, provides advice and encouragement for the families of compulsive gamblers.




