In anatomy, the bottom or base of an organ.
The top section of the stomach, above the body of the stomach.
Fundi, base of a hollow organ; that part of a structure farthest from Its opening, as the inside of the eye farthest from the pupil, or the wide end of the uterus opposite the cervix.
The area furthest from the opening.
The base of a hollow organ: the part farthest from the opening; e.g. the fundus of the stomach, bladder, or uterus.
The larger part, base, or body of a hollow organ.
The internal region of an organ, particularly in the context of the eye, denotes the posterior area that is observable using an ophthalmoscope.
The term refers to the lowest or base part of an organ, which is located farthest from the organ’s opening. The optic fundus, for example, is the back of the retina as observed through an ophthalmoscope.
The base, or the portion of a hollow organ located furthest from its opening.