Orgasmic dysfunction in the female.
The fact of being unable to experience orgasm, sexual pleasure or sexual desire.
Sexual passivity or unresponsiveness, especially in a woman; coldness; inability to reach the climax of sexual intercourse (orgasm).
Lack of sexual desire or inability to reach the climax of sexual excitement. Frigidity may affect either sex, but the term is almost always applied to women only. In some cases the woman feels revulsion towards sexual activity.
A term used to describe a lack of interest in sexual intercourse (coitus) or the inability to achieve intercourse or orgasm. Though ‘applicable to both sexes, frigidity is usually applied to women with these sexual problems.
A state of sexual dysfunction marked by the inability to respond to erotic stimuli.
An absence of sexual desire or the inability to become sexually aroused during stimulation.
A strong aversion to sexual intercourse or the incapacity to react to sexual stimuli.