An instrument similar to an X-ray machine that is used to observe directly various structures of the body without taking a picture on film, fluoroscopy.
An apparatus which projects an X-ray image of a part of the body onto a screen, so that the part of the body can be examined as it moves.
An instrument on which X-ray images may be viewed directly, without taking and developing X-ray photographs. It consists basically of a fluorescent screen, which is coated with chemicals that exhibit the property of fluorescence when exposed to X-rays. Fluoroscopes are used for mass chest X-ray examinations.
A device by which x-ray images may be viewed directly as the x-rays pass through the patient. The x-rays are projected on a screen which responds to being hit by the rays in the same manner as a film does. The viewer can see in the fluoroscope the movement of the body organs, and the passage of radiopaque substances. The physician carrying out a barium enema, for example, can manipulate the abdomen and get a variety of views of the bowel (she also takes films for detailed study and permanent records).
An apparatus for rendering X-rays visible after they have passed through the body, by projecting them on a screen of calcium tungstate. The technique is known as fluoroscopy, and it provides a method of being able to watch, for instance, the beating of the heart, or the movements of the intestine after the administration of a barium meal.
A device consisting of a fluorescent screen, mounted either separately or in conjunction with an x-ray tube, that shows the images of objects interposed between the tube and the screen. It has been replaced by the image intensifier for performing fluoroscopic studies.
In the realm of radiology, a notable apparatus can be observed: an x-ray equipment comprising an x-ray tube positioned beneath the x-ray table, accompanied by a fluorescent screen positioned above the table, running parallel to the tube. The patient is positioned between the tube and the screen, while the operator exercises control over the radiation from the rear side of the screen. Moreover, an x-ray imaging process incorporates the use of a fluorescent screen that is positioned between the x-ray tube and the screen.
A device employed for the examination of internal organs using X-rays.