Child abusers

Parents (parents, guardians, or caretakers) who treat children in an unusual and cruel manner. “Punishment” may take the form of kicking, beating, and the use of chains, rods, burning with lighted cigarettes, etc. There is no logical reason for the unusual and cruel punishments; no excuse is evident may come from any socioeconomic group and are frequently, themselves, victims of child abuse, child neglect.

The mistreatment of children, commonly referred to as child abuse, encompasses various forms of harm, such as physical injuries, sexual abuse, emotional maltreatment, and neglect. This grave issue permeates all segments of society, irrespective of social standing or economic status.

Child abuse has the potential to inflict significant physical and psychological harm upon its victims, leaving lasting impacts. Moreover, individuals who have experienced deprivation or mistreatment during their own childhoods may find themselves more prone to perpetuating the cycle of abuse with their own children. It is a distressing reality that the repercussions of child abuse can extend across generations.




