
A coined term used to describe the dimpled fat present on the thighs of some females. The term is medically recognized.

Lumpy deposits of subcutaneous fat, especially in the thighs and buttocks.

A colloquial term for subcutaneous deposits of fat with dimpling of the skin, especially in the buttocks and thighs.

A slang term used to describe dimpled fat found primarily on the buttocks and thighs of women. It is no different from any other body fat.

Adipose tissue surrounded by stretched connective tissue.

The appearance of a surface, resembling a quilt, with depressions or indentations caused by the presence of adipose tissue which is divided by fibrous connective tissue into small compartments, resulting in the protrusion of these compartments into the deeper layer of skin known as the dermis.

The presence of dimpled skin, known as cellulite, occurs due to the uneven distribution of fat deposits beneath the skin’s surface.

Cellulite is a commonly used term to describe the subcutaneous fat that causes the skin to have a dimpled or “orange-peel” appearance, typically observed on the thighs and buttocks. This condition is more prevalent in women than men and is often associated with water retention.




