
A com tortilla (dried or fried), usually filled with meat, chicken, fish and vegetables (onions, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce), and grated cheese.

The words taco and lunch are not related but they do have something in common: both originated as terms describing a small quantity of food: lunch derives from lump, while the Spanish word taco originally meant wad—both terms, in other words, originally described the amount of food needed to fill the average belly. In Spanish, taco is still used to mean wad, but in Mexican Spanish it was also bestowed upon a specific lunch item: a folded tortilla stuffed with various fillings. Taco first appeared in English about forty years ago.

This is a type of sandwich that features a tortilla wrapped around a filling of cheese, ground meat, shredded lettuce, and hot sauce. The tortilla is typically fried in hot oil just prior to assembly, resulting in a slightly crispy texture.

Embark on a culinary journey to Mexico with the iconic taco a delectable rendition of a sandwich. This gastronomic delight consists of a tortilla lovingly rolled around a flavorful filling of choice. Tacos can be savored as they are or prepared through various cooking methods such as broiling, frying, or baking, adding depth and texture to the already enticing creation. Prepare your taste buds for an explosion of flavors as you relish the diverse and tantalizing world of tacos.




