
Liquid made with sugar and water used as for the canning of fruit. The strength of the syrup is measured on a Brix or Baume scale and it is classified as Extra Heavy meaning 60 to 70% sugar, Heavy syrup containing 40 to 55% sugar, Medium syrup containing from 25 to 30% sugar, and Light syrup containing from 10 to 20% sugar. These levels of syrup concentration are called “Put-In” values and the level of syrup after it has equalized with the fruit following canning is called the “Cut-Out” value. An extra Heavy Put In Syrup will cut out between 22 and 35° Brix or percent sugar, while a Heavy syrup will cut out between 18 and 33° Brix or percent sugar, and a Light syrup will cut out between 14 to 18° Brix or percent sugar. The difference between the “Put-In” and the ”Cut-Out” value is due to the maturity or the sugar content of the fruit at the time of packing.

A mixture of herbal extract and sugar. A bottled infusion sealed from the air by the addition of glycerin.

A sugary solution intended for oral administration (such as cough syrups).

A concentrated solution of sugar in water to which specific medicinal substances are usually added. Syrups usually do not represent a very high percentage of the active drug. Some syrups are used principally to give a pleasant odor and taste to solutions.

This pertains to any viscous, sweet liquid that possesses a sticky texture. In many cases, it refers to the un-crystallized, light-colored byproduct that remains after cane sugar has been refined, which is commonly known as pale molasses. It can also be spelled as sirup.

A culinary elixir known as syrup is crafted through the dissolution of sugar in water, subsequently concentrated by gentle heating. This versatile syrup is often imbued with the delightful essence of fruit juice or extract, enhancing its flavors. Syrup finds its chief purpose in sweetening a diverse range of delectables, including cold beverages, stewed fruits, and fruit salads. Additionally, it serves as a vital component in preserving, glazing, candying, and crystalizing fruits, elevating their taste and appearance. Furthermore, syrup plays a crucial role in the creation of various confections, allowing for the crafting of delectable candies.




