
Preparation made from the pancreas of animals containing the enzymes of pancreatic juice. Used to replace pancreatic enzymes in cystic fibrosis as an aid to digestion.

A substance made from enzymes secreted by the pancreas, used to treat someone whose paficreas does not produce pancreatic enzymes.

Extract of pancreas; contains pancreatic enzymes.

Extract from the pancreas, containing pancreatic enzymes, used to treat conditions (e.g., pancreatitis) characterized by insufficient pancreas secretion.

An extract obtained from the pancreas, containing the pancreatic enzymes. Pancreatin is administered for conditions in which pancreatic secretion is deficient; for example, in pancreatitis.

Preparations (often in the form of a powder) containing the four enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, and amylase, which continue the digestion of foods started in the stomach. They are given by mouth for the relief of pancreatic deficiency in conditions such as pancreatitis and cystic fibrosis. Pancreatin is also used for the preparation of pre-digested, or so-called peptonized, foods, such as milk and some starchy foods.

A orally administered mixture of pancreatic enzymes essential for digestion. Its purpose is to counteract malabsorption and may be necessary following a pancreatectomy or for individuals with conditions impacting the pancreas, like chronic pancreatitis, cancer, or cystic fibrosis.

A formulation containing the pancreatic enzymes: trypsin, diastase, and lipase.




