
A genus of bacteria commonly found in soil of which the commonest is Listeria monocytogenes. They can cause food poisoning (listeriosis).

A genus of bacteria found in domestic animals and in unpasteurised milk products which can cause uterine infection or meningitis.

Genus within the family Corymebacteriaceae, short Gram-positive non-sporing motile rods. The organisms grow aerobically on standard media.

A genus of Gram-positive aerobic motile rod-like bacteria that are parasites of warm-blooded animals. The single species, L. monocytogenes, infects many domestic and wild animals and, on transmission to man, causes ‘meningoencephalitis and occasionally infection of the womb.

A genus of gram positive, non-spore-forming coccobacilli that may be found singly or in filaments. They are normal soil inhabitants.




