The formation and development of the red blood cells in the bone marrow.
The formation of red blood cells from certain stem cells. Stimulated by the protein erythropoietin.
The formation of erythrocytes, erythropoietin.
The process for the synthesis of red blood cells.
Process of erythrocyte production; it normally occurs in the bone marrow.
The process of red blood cell (erythrocyte) production, which normally occurs in the blood-forming tissue of the ‘bone marrow. The ultimate precursor of the red cell is the hemopoietic stem cell, but the earliest precursor that can be identified microscopically is the proerythroblast. This divides and passes through a series of stages of maturation termed respectively early, intermediate, and late normoblasts, the latter finally losing its nucleus to become a mature red cell.
The physiological course by which nascent erythrocytes are synthesized, commencing within the confines of the bone marrow.