A mixture of words and phrases that lack comprehensive meaning or logical coherence. It may be seen in patients with schizophrenia, especially the disorganized type.
Word hash.
Words combined in a way that has no meaning, as in the speech of some persons with schizophrenia.
Speech that includes a jumble of seemingly unrelated words; often associated with thought disorders such as schizophrenia.
The use of words in-discriminantly and haphazardly, that is, without logical structure or meaning. It is a finding in uncontrolled mania and schizophrenia.
A form of communication characterized by extreme disarray and lack of coherence to the extent that it lacks linguistic and grammatical structure is referred to as incoherent speech. This type of speech is marked by its incomprehensibility and the absence of logical connections between words and phrases, making it difficult for listeners to derive meaning or interpret the intended message.
A disorganized mix of nonsensical words often spoken by individuals suffering from a mental disorder, particularly schizophrenia.