The return of symptoms associated with the present episode of psychiatric illness after the symptoms had been reduced or eliminated for a brief period. In treatment of alcoholism and substanceuse disorders, relapse refers to the reuse of the substance that produced the disorder.
The return of a disease after the beginning of the convalescent period.
A situation in which someone gets worse after seeming to be getting better, or where a disease appears again after seeming to be cured.
To show again the signs of a disease from which the patient appeared to have recovered, n. recurrence of a disease after apparent recovery.
Recurrence of a disease after a period of remission or recovery.
Return of symptoms and signs of disease after a period of improvement or good health. Relapse also describes a situation in which a person’s condition that had been improving gets worse during an illness.
A return of disease symptoms after recovery had apparently been achieved or the worsening of an apparently recovering patient’s condition during the course of an illness.
The return of a disease that a patient has had and apparently recovered from. It may also be a worsening of a disease from which a person is still recovering. The opposite of relapse is remission.
The recurrence of a disease or symptoms after apparent recovery.
A return to using drugs while trying to recover from drug addiction.
The return of a disease during or soon after convalescence.
Reverting to old behaviors that a person has worked through previously.
The reappearance of a disease following an apparent healing, or the resurgence of symptoms after a period of relief.
The resurgence of an illness after it initially appeared that recovery was underway.