Premature ejaculation

Refers to ejaculation following minimal sexual stimulation before, at the point of, or shortly after entry and before the man wishes it.

Undesired ejaculation occurring immediately before or very early in sexual intercourse.

The rapidity of ejaculation may prevent the woman from achieving sexual satisfaction or reaching orgasm.

The inability of the male to delay ejaculation in order to prolong sexual excitement.

A situation in which a man ejaculates too early during sexual intercourse.

Emission of semen and loss of erection during early stages of sexual excitement before or immediately after insertion of the penis in the vagina. Numerous behavioral techniques are used to extend the time between erection and ejaculation.

Ejaculation that occurs before both partners have had an opportunity to fully enjoy the sexual experience. The cause of premature ejaculation is usually not physical and treatment is often successful, especially when the partner is involved. Treatment focuses on helping the man learn to control his ejaculation reflex.

Discharge of semen (the thick, white fluid expelled from the penis) soon after sexual stimulation begins and before the partner experiences a satisfying level of arousal. Premature ejaculation can occur at any age after sexual maturity. The problem is almost always caused by psychological factors and only rarely arises from a physical condition, such as inflammation of the prostate. Premature ejaculation is common in the first sexual interactions between a couple. It also develops in relationships characterized by anxiety over sexual performance, pregnancy, or sexually transmitted disease; by guilt over breaking religious or social taboos; or by poor communication between partners.

Emission of semen (and consequent loss of erection) during the initial stages of preparation for sexual intercourse, before insertion into the vagina or immediately afterward.

A disorder in which ejaculation of semen occurs before or immediately after the penis penetrates the vagina during sexual intercourse. The most common sexual problem in men, persistent premature ejaculation may have psychological causes, although many adolescents and some adults experience it occasionally. Sexual counselling may help to alleviate the condition.

An imprecise term that usually indicates ejaculation occurring very shortly after the onset of sexual excitement, or ejaculation occurring before copulation or before the partner’s orgasm. This disorder is usually accompanied by feelings of guilt or relationship difficulties.

The rapid release of ejaculate before the individual desires, typically occurring within one to two minutes after initiating sexual intercourse.




