Idiot savant

A person with gross intellectual disability who nonetheless is capable of performing certain remarkable feats in sharply circumscribed intellectual areas, such as calendar calculation or puzzle solving.

An individual with a rare form of mental retardation but being extremely talented in one or several limited areas of intellectual achievement.

A person with learning difficulties who also possesses a single particular mental ability, such as the ability to play music by ear, to draw remembered objects or to do mental calculations, which is very highly developed.

Person with severe mental retardation but able to carry out specific, limited intellectual functions (e.g., calculate square roots or calendar dates).

An individual whose overall functioning is at the level of mental sub-normality but who has one or more special intellectual abilities that are advanced to a high level. Musical ability, calculating ability, and rote memory are examples of abilities that may be highly developed. Many such individuals suffer from autism.

An individual who is generally mentally retarded, but has the ability to do complicated tasks such as play instruments, recall dates, or accurately and rapidly perform mathematical calculations.




