
The weakening of a reinforced operant response as a result of ceasing reinforcement.

In psychology, terminating the reinforcement of a behavior, which results in the behavior eventually being eliminated or stopped.

The destruction or stopping of something.

The lessening or stopping of a conditioned behavioural response through lack of reinforcement.

In psychology, loss of a learned response because of non-reward or nonreinforcement.

The weakening of a conditioned reflex that takes place if it is not maintained by ‘reinforcement. This is used as a method of treatment when undesirable behavior (e.g. destructiveness) is reduced simply by withdrawing whatever rewards it (e.g. the fuss made by other people).

In behavioural psychology, the lessening of a conditioned reflex that occurs when it is not regularly reinforced. An example is in the treatment of unsatisfactory behaviour such as violence, when by preventing the individual from enjoying the rewards of violent acts namely, the attention he or she attracts the conditioned reflex that is part of the cycle of violence is reduced in strength.

The process of extinguishing or putting out.




