Exposure therapy

A cognitive-behavioral (psycho) therapy (CBT) technique that involves gradually exposing an individual to situations that previously have been avoided because of Anxiety or panic. Most often used in treating phobias, such as fear of flying or heights and agoraphobia. Exposure therapy identifies the thoughts, emotions, and physiological arousal that accompany a fear-inducing stimulus and attempts to break the pattern of escape that strengthens the fear response through measured exposure to progressively stronger stimuli until habituation is reached.

A form of therapy in which the person in treatment systematically confronts the feared event or stimulus in a safe and controlled environment.

Trauma-focused therapy is an approach employed in the treatment of trauma survivors, aimed at assisting them in effectively managing trauma-related thoughts, emotions, and situations. This therapeutic approach involves gradually exposing individuals to reminders of the traumatic event within a safe and controlled environment. By confronting these reminders in a supportive setting, individuals can learn to process and cope with their trauma experiences in a healthier manner.




