Electra complex

The female Oedipus complex; an infrequently used term describing the pathological relationship between a woman and a man based on unresolved developmental conflicts partially analogous to the Oedipus complex in a man.

Excessive emotional attachment of a daughter to her father.

A condition in which a girl feels sexually attracted to her father and sees her mother as an obstacle.

A possessive, romantic attachment of daughter to father that, according to the theory developed by Sigmund Freud, is buried deep within the unconscious during childhood. The dilemma of attraction to the father is resolved by the girl’s subsequent identification with her mother., form whom she learns moral values. This complex, an idea repressed into the subconscious, is named after a heroine from ancient Greek drama who lost her life because of her devotion to her father. The male equivalent to the Electra complex is the Oedipus complex.

In psychoanalysis, a group of symptoms due to suppressed sexual love of a daughter for her father.

Beat-to-beat changes in one or more portions of the electrocardiogram.

A similar condition to the Oedipus complex, but in this case the attraction is between a daughter and her father.




