Catchment area

A geographic area for which a mental health program or facility has responsibility for its residents.

A geographic area defined and served by a health program or institution such as a hospital or community mental health center. Delineated on the basis of such factors as population distribution, natural geographic boundaries, and transportation accessibility. Should be contrasted with service, medical market, or medical trade area. All residents of the area needing the services of the program are usually eligible for them, although eligibility may also depend on additional criteria (age or income). Residents of the area may or may not be limited to obtaining services from the program, be known to, or enrolled in the program. The program may or may not be limited to providing services to residents of the area or under any obligation to know of, register, or have the capacity to serve all residents of the area.

The geographic area from which a hospital can expect to receive patients. There is no statutory requirement forcing patients to use the hospital(s) of their area.

A geographical area defining the portion of a population served by a designated medical facility.





