
Perception as modified and enhanced by one’s own emotions, memories, and biases.

A process of focusing the perception of or being actively aware rather than being passively aware.

The conscious recognition of a stimulus.

Whole perception process: receiving, recognizing, appreciating, assimilating, and interpreting stimuli taken in by the senses (e.g., hearing the roar of a wave on the beach and appreciating the contribution of the separate drops of water that cause the roar) (compare gestaltism).

The process by which the qualities of an object, situation, etc., perceived by an individual are correlated with his/her preexisting knowledge.

The perception and interpretation of sensory stimuli; awareness of the meaning and significance of a particular sensory stimulus as modified by one’s own experiences, knowledge, thoughts, and emotions.

The cognitive process of comprehension achieved by establishing connections with prior encounters and knowledge.




