
A dissociative episode characterized by a period of brooding followed by outbursts of aggressive, violent, homicidal behaviors. The episode tends to be precipitated by a perceived slight or insult and seems to be more prevalent among males. The episode is often accompanied by persecutory ideas, automatism, amnesia, exhaustion, and a return to premorbid state following the episode. The original reports were from Malaysia. A similar behavior is described as cafard or cathard in Polynesia, as mal de pelea in Puerto Rico, and as iich’aa among the Navajo.

A sudden outburst of furious and murderous aggression, directed indiscriminately at everybody in the vicinity. It is encountered only in certain cultures, such as that of the Malays.

A state of dementia marked by erratic behavior and a lack of self-control. The term originates from Malay and describes the conduct of specific Malay tribesmen who, in a frenzy, would seize a weapon and indiscriminately attack anyone in their vicinity. This condition is also referred to as “amuck.”





