
Forgoing some kind of gratification, such as not engaging in sex. In the area of alcohol or drug dependence, being without the substance on which the subject had been dependent.

Voluntarily denying oneself some kind of gratification; in the area of alcohol or drug dependence, being without the substance on which the subject is dependent. The abstinence syndrome is equivalent to withdrawal symptoms and its appearance suggests the presence of physiologic dependence or addiction.

Completely avoiding the use of substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and the like. Is also used in other areas of health practices and lifestyles. From sexual intercourse or birth control techniques.

Forgoing some kind of gratification; in the area of alcohol or drug dependence, being without the substance on which the subject had been dependent. Also refers to not engaging in sex.

A deliberate act of not doing something over a period of time, especially not eating or drinking.

Voluntary act of going without something such as food, alcohol, tobacco, or sex.

Refraining from certain behaviors, activities, foods, or beverages.

Going without something voluntarily, especially refraining from indulgence in food, alcoholic beverages, or sexual intercourse.

The conscious decision not to participate in sexual activity and the skills to support that decision.

To refrain completely from engaging in a particular behavior.

It entails abstaining from the consumption or engagement in certain activities, often referring to refraining from the use of alcoholic beverages or participating in sexual activity.




