Infantile colic

Bouts of restlessness and heightened wailing in typically robust infants. The ailment is believed to arise from contractions in the bowels.

An infant afflicted with colic exhibits relentless crying or shrieking, curls up the legs towards the abdomen, and may display facial redness along with occasional flatulence. The baby remains unresponsive to customary soothing techniques like feeding or embracing. Colic tends to intensify during the evenings and can be exacerbated by fatigue or anxiety.

While colic can cause significant distress, it poses no serious harm. Typically, the condition emerges around three to four weeks of age and resolves on its own by the time the baby reaches 12 weeks. Nonetheless, caregivers should promptly seek medical assistance if supplementary symptoms like fever arise or if they find it challenging to manage the infant’s needs.




